OPEN CALL for artists from Hungary, Poland and Czech republic / 1.10.2023

Hey! Hey! Hey! If you are interested in an artist residency at Banská St a nica Contemporary in 2024 and you are a Czech, Polish or Hungarian artist, read on!

Banská St a nica Contemporary is calling for artists from Visegrad countries in the frame of Visual and Sound Artists Residencies Announced by the Visegrad Fund.
The call is open to professional artists working in the following disciplines: – Visual Arts (including performance art, textile art and architecture), – Design (fashion, costume, jewellery, ceramics and furniture design, visual communication), – Video/Film/New Media/Mixed Media (including video installation).

IMPORTANT! The applicant must be a citizen of one the V4 countries
The period of residency shall be 2 months.

Our application deadline is 1. 10. 2023 / yes 1 day after important parliamentary elections in Slovakia!
The successful applicants will be informed and provided with the letter of acceptance until 5. 10. 2023.
You will then have 10 days to complete your application to the Visegrad Fund.
Please don’t forget to check the Visual and Sound Artists Residency application rules (the deadline is on 15.10.2023)…/visual-and-sound-arts…/

What do we need from you?
Please send us a maximum 10-page portfolio with projects from the last 3 years, a short motivation letter and your contact details, all by email – .(Pre zobrazenie tejto e-mailovej adresy musíš mať zapnutý JavaScript).

In the past, our residents through the Visegrad Fund programme were also:
Peter Puklus, Lörinc Borsos, Zsofia Keresztes, Botond Keresztesi, Albert Ádám, Ádám Kokesch, Nikola Ivanov, Jan Čumlivski, Milan Houser, Jakub Czyszczoń, Handa Gote Researchand Development, Habima Fuchs …

BANSKÁ ST A NICA  news  residency 
Tue 12 Sep 2023